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Keeping Progress on Track:  How Parents Can Support Speech Therapy Over the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for celebration, but it can also bring disruptions to your child’s regular routines, including speech therapy sessions. It’s common for children to lose some of the progress they’ve made during the break from therapy. However, as a parent, you can play a crucial role in ensuring your child maintains their speech therapy progress during the holidays. In this blog post, we will explore practical tips and strategies to help your child continue to work on their speech and language skills throughout the festive season. 

Create a Speech-Friendly Environment 

Encourage speech development in your everyday activities. Make your home a speech-friendly space by talking to your child regularly, using descriptive words, and engaging in conversations. Whether you’re preparing holiday meals, decorating the house, or wrapping presents, include your child and encourage them to participate and communicate. 

Practice Speech Exercises 

Stay consistent with speech exercises recommended by your child’s speech therapist. Dedicate a few minutes each day to work on these exercises or activities that target their specific speech needs. This will help maintain their progress and prevent regression. 

Utilize Holiday-Themed Activities 

Incorporate speech therapy into holiday-themed activities. For example, create a holiday-themed vocabulary list that includes words related to the season, such as “ornament,” “snowflake,” or “reindeer.” Then, use these words in conversations, games, or storytelling to boost your child’s vocabulary and articulation skills. 

Read Together 

Reading is an excellent way to enhance speech and language skills. During the holidays, read holiday-themed books together. Encourage your child to actively participate by asking them to describe the pictures, predict what will happen next, or even read aloud themselves. This can improve their language comprehension and expressive language abilities. 

Virtual Speech Sessions 

If your child’s speech therapist offers virtual sessions during the holidays, take advantage of this option. It may not be the same as in-person sessions, but it provides an opportunity for your child to continue working on their speech and language goals. Virtual sessions can help bridge the gap until regular therapy resumes. 

Play Speech-Enhancing Games 

There are numerous speech-enhancing games and apps available that can make practicing speech therapy fun for your child. Games like “Articulation Station” or “Speech Blubs” can be enjoyable and educational. Incorporating these into your child’s daily routine during the holidays can be a creative way to keep their skills sharp. 

Social Interaction 

The holiday season often involves gatherings and social interactions. Encourage your child to interact with family and friends, engaging in conversations and sharing stories. Social interaction can reinforce speech and language skills, as well as improve confidence in communicating. 

Set Realistic Goals 

While it’s essential to maintain progress during the holidays, it’s also crucial to set realistic expectations. Progress may slow down a bit, and that’s okay. The holiday season should be a time of joy and relaxation, so don’t put too much pressure on your child. Celebrate the progress they’ve made so far and focus on steady improvement rather than perfection. 

Maintaining speech therapy progress during the holidays can be challenging, but with the right strategies and a supportive environment, you can help your child stay on track. Consistency, creativity, and a relaxed approach are key. By incorporating speech and language activities into your holiday traditions, you can ensure that your child continues to develop their speech skills while enjoying the festive season.